Thursday, March 10, 2011

One day at a time....Fundraising, would you like to help?

I'm slowly starting to feel better, thank goodness.  As for my husband, well, that's going to take some time.  He's hurt, dissapointed, and I think he just blames himself.  I'm trying to pick myself up and move on to the next step, ya know?

Fortunately, I have wonderful friends and family who have began organizing events to help raise money.  On April 23rd there will be a big benefit yard sale / bake sale at the National Guard Armory.  There will also be another bake sale in May, so if you are a follower and live elsewhere, check out Kandice's blog for info on how you can order some of her yummy "Scrumpture" sweets that can be SHIPPED to you!  You can also donate to our "Help Us Become Parents" fund by clicking on the widget to the left in green. A wonderful family has already donated $20 and it makes my heart swell!

Even though we won't be getting a precious baby to bring home soon, we will be getting a new member of the family next month.  My husband, after years of begging, has decided to let me get a puppy! A full blooded female Maltese.  I think I am going to name her Evey.  He thinks it will be good for me to have something to take care of and companionship when he's working..This is not her, but what she will look like

She will be ready for me to see March 24th, and then hopefully bring her home soon after that.
I'm so excited!


  1. i'm so excited!!! i want one!!!

  2. Please tell me you're not going to torture a dog by dressing it up like a ballerina.

    In more practical news, have you looked into the Amazon Affiliate program?

    As I understand it, it works like this: You put a special kind of link to Amazon here on your site, and when people go to Amazon by clicking that link, you get a cut of whatever they buy while they're there. Meanwhile, the buyer doesn't pay any more for what they're buying --- all people have to do is access the site via your portal, and *Amazon* will give you money.

    See, for instance, this post from Ann Althouse:

    Obviously Althouse is super-popular, and she's relying on the sheer force of her pageviews to make money this way. But it seems like there's an alternative strategy that could work: just convince the people you actually know that they should come here first when they need something from Amazon. I myself probably spend a couple thousand dollars a year at Amazon and would happily use your widget for my purchases.

    Please note that I don't work for Amazon and am not an affiliate myself; that is, I have no interest at all in whether you decide to do that. But the bottom line is this may be a way for people to give you money without actually giving anything up.
